Originally Posted by Vizionz
hey bfoot when your finished that system maybe you can give me some help with a script i got runnign but its commercial but i like some of the features you are adding like rating the songs the script i got is already existing as stand alone just merging it to work with vb would be the task
Yeah, probably, when I get the alpha out, PM me.
Anyways, I have the comment system completed, all insert pages done, rating system finished, just about everything is done. What I still need to do though is:
* Create Editting Interfaces so you can delete comments, media, edit media, edit comments.
* Create the Backend. (Administration)
* Intergrate AJAX to the interface, including quick edit and instant reply. (I am going to flag this for Alpha 2)
* Template Phrasing (Flagged for RC or Final)
BTW, in case you guys didn't notice, I changed my username.