Originally Posted by Boofo
Ok, people, let's stop this before it gets any further. It has gone on long enough. This thread is for IBProArcade.
No one is bashing anything here, or shouldn't be, anyway. It's a matter of opinions and nothing else. Both Arcades are equally good in their own right. And both Authors have worked hard on their Arcades. Let's try to remember that and give them both the credit due in their own threads. I retract my statement about any calling out features of any arcade as I reallt don't know for a fact if that is happening or not. And I stated IF when that post was made, by the way. Both John and Zero deserve more than this from all of us. Please, let's get back to what this thread was posted for.
Thank you. 
Nicely said, and entirely true. For what it's worth, your involvement with this project is largely what drew me in to check it out. Nothing personal whatsoever with my earlier comments -- like I said, I just didn't see the point of open combativeness between projects in a community site like this. As a license holder with zero coding ability, guys like you, John, Zero,
even Jenta are saints in my eyes, as you bring extra functionality to our sites. All I can offer in return is my appreciation, and everyone who contributes to this site has it. I just don't like to see *any* modification or author take unnecessary shots.