stop defending the script like its the best thing god created you are more on his nuts then pubic hair ( sorry if that offends you ) i like the hack i think its great but even with the original hack it had problems with score submissions and thats from the original author v3arcade will have problems too all hacks have problems. its a public hack and i made a public comment about the hack. and all i said is that has been a problem since invision board. you make it like i said this hack is garbage and anyone using it is a fool... the onlything i seen wrong with the hack is the fact i didnt like a style it was feedback.. you are taking everything like you busted your arse for the last 9 months writing the script and its your baby. jesus dude i like the damn script i dont like problems with score submitting though like no one does. i would say the same thing in any other hack. in your eyes were suppose to worship this script. free hacks deserve free praise and free criticism and therefore i gave it. this has been a running problem that should of been the first thing adressed and for your excuse that its because of other hacks. Is that a good reason ? the creator should of known people would of had other hacks installed i installed this hack on one of my forums and didnt face a problem with it but whatever ya want to cry because i said this problem should of been fixed when chris did it for invision board.