Originally Posted by Mith
Yeah, theres a bit of a problem with the auto install routine, it tries to ammend the modifyoptions template for you, but unfortunately, messes it up a bit.
To add it in yourself in modifyoptions template
<td><label for="cb_invisible"><input type="checkbox" name="options[invisible]" value="1" id="cb_invisible" $checked[invisible] />$vbphrase[use_invisible_mode]</label><input type="hidden" name="set_options[invisible]" value="1" /></td>
add under:
<!-- DONATIONS -->
<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend><label for="cb_showdonor">My Donor Status</label></legend>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0" width="100%">
<td>Shall We Show Your Donor Status To The Public?</td>
<td><label for="cb_showdonor"><input type="checkbox" name="showdonor" value="1" id="cb_showdonor" $checked[showdonor] />Show My Donor Status To The Public</label></td>
That will give users the option back to display their donor status or not.
Hope that helps.
the thing that was causing my problem there is it was adding an extra entry of...
<if condition="$show['reputationoption']">
I deleted it and the error went away...
ready for next set of problems...