Current results for Beta Test on VB 3.5.1 upgraded board.
1-Installed fine
2-Uninstalled fine
3-Export and Import of old 3.0.x webtemplates worked very well
4-Editing interface in ACP working well
I have only noticed one problem so far. When you edit a webtemplate and save the changes, you get the following error message:
Warning: strtotime() [function.strtotime]: Called with an empty time parameter. in /admincp/wt_wt.php on line 396
Warning: strtotime() [function.strtotime]: Called with an empty time parameter. in /admincp/wt_wt.php on line 397
The changes still take effect despite the above error message.
I received your email. The new wt_wt.php file fixed the above error I reported. Everything seems to be working correctly now.