Originally Posted by HR3rdGen
vBPicGallery is the worst attempt at an alternative. All they did was take the old vbgarage and improve it a little bit further.
Its completely disorganized from every example I've seen. No categories, just clutter.
Well thanks for the review, How many times have you used it?
Let's see for organized, each member gets a gallery hall. I guess the category would be members pictures. Then each member gets a number of galleriers in that hall each with a preset number of pictures they can post. These numbers are controlable in the usergroup settings.
Then each member gets to create a gallery for any given subject they want and title it as such as well as write a full description using the vBulletin editor. This is great for creating unique content, something many galleries don't offer!
That seems to be a decent personal gallery add on to me. But what do i know?
Let's see there is a list of galleries that can be sorted by creation date, last activity date and member name, ascending and decending. Rev 8 of vBPicGallery will include listing by username. There will be a letter index, a to z, similar to my amazon bookstore products letter index.
It's a nice add on picture gallery for any vBulletin forum.