Originally Posted by noppid
So now all your busting my chops when I post makes sense. You went to work long before being hired. Good luck with your new job.
As for your comment on a "very small scale", what did you base that on? Can we define small and big? I have some stats on vBPicGallery that may surprise you!
I find it very surprising you would make statements about my work when you don't use it. Or maybe you do and we have a conflict of interest here?
I know your boss is not looking for a pissing match with me, we are not competitors by any means and PP was not even on my radar till three days ago. You should talk to him before you drag his company into the mud representing them this way.
Pathetic, what happened to the garage noppid? I was using that.
I am busting your 'chops' because you are wrong, plain and simple. You are just trying to take advantage of the whole gallery situation when what, 6 months from now it will be a dead product aswell?
I dont have a boss, except the president actually, and I dont 'work' for anyone online. Being a
volunteer moderator doesnt exactly qualify me for healthcare