Originally Posted by Moparx
Is there an easy way to separate quotes within the posts from the actual replies themselves? Right now you cannot distinguish between the two and it can be confusing.
Having the quotes in posts generate like below would make this hack near perfect
"Some Text" -- Poster or Poster wrote: "Some Text"
This is something I would like to do too. I know how to do it in theory but I just don't have the skills to implement it. Basically, we need to do the following:
1) Search $post['postdate'] for (QUOTE=
2) Replace it with
name wrote: "
3) Search $post['postdate'] for (/QUOTE)
4) Replace it with "
I don't know how to do 1) and 2) but I think 3) and 4) would be:
$post['pagetext'] = preg_replace("[\[\/QUOTE\]]", "\"", $post['pagetext']);
Can anyone help with 1) and 2)?
Okay, I think I figured it out.
$post[pagetext] = strip_bbcode($post[pagetext]);
Before this line, add:
$post['pagetext'] = preg_replace("[\[QUOTE=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\]]", "Originally posted by \\1:\"", $post['pagetext']);
$post['pagetext'] = preg_replace("[\[\/QUOTE\]]", "\"", $post['pagetext']);
At least I got something very close to this working on my rtf version.