Originally Posted by dn lodge
Ok I have the same problem as Devil006.
I installed everything, and no errors or anything, but it says i dont have the permissions. There is NO link the the journal admin in ASP, I looked everywhere, and there is NOTHING about the journal in usergroup setting and permissions. I'm not a noob so dont tell me i just dont see it, i've been using vB a long time, and the link isnt there. (sorry if I sound a little mean, which i'm not trying to sound) I just dont want to waste time with the responce, as I'm eager to get it working!
www.dnlodge.com <--
For setting permissions, you need to go to your usergroup manager, then edit usergroup, then scroll down towards the bottom. You'll see options for the journal permissions. Edit permissions for each usergroup.
if you don't see it there, then you've done something wrong during the installation :ermm: