Originally Posted by Brad
I've been meaning to try them, how much does a box of them go for?
I couldn't tell you, my friend. I just know that I had to sign over my first-born for them when they were prescription (which remonds me I should go and pick him back up sometime. It's been a few years since I went off of them.). I think you could probably do your car for them now. They went down in price quite a bit after they hit on so well.
All seriousness aside, they really do work better than anything else on the market, prescription or not. My Acid Reflux was so bad it caused my Sleep Apnea to flare up even worse than I originally had it. Now I don't take them because it isn't as bad as it used to be for me for some reason. I think stress added to it at the time. Plus I don't like depending on medication to get through my days anymore. I have vodka for that now.