maybe a new poll is in order now.
One that has SEVERAL options of how those that would like to see it implemented, done. If people are against it, they don't need to vote or contribute to the thread.
Personally, I would really like to see a rating system based on value, support, etc... And yes, even a ratings system can be abused (look at how some use thread ratings here). However it (and plenty of other options) would be great to explore.
here would be my suggestion for the poll:
Simple directory listing categorized by product (no ratings, discussions, etc...)
Enhanced directory listing categorized by product (ratings, no discussions)
Thread style discussions categorized by product
Simple directory listing categorized by company (no ratings, discussions, etc...)
Enhanced directory listing categorized by company(ratings, no discussions)
Thread style discussions categorized by company
Those are just to throw the idea out. Yes, some may be redundant - however its worth discussing. Some may only want to see a directory of companies. Me? I prefer listings of products (most people will be looking for a certain functionality, not company).
Ultimately its Jelsoft that will decide if its done and how to do it, however it could be a beneficial discussion to have regardless.
Lets get more ideas on the final poll before it gets posted please