There's no such thing as freedom of speech. Anywhere. You aren't allowed to make for instance severe racist comments and such towards other people.
Anyways, I find it highly amusing that Chris M can argue so strongly against this, yet having COMPLETELY misunderstood the ENTIRE concept of this suggestion.
For the quadrillionth time, we are NOT bloody suggesting people RELEASE their mods here. What they WOULD be able to do is add their site to a directory, where they enter what hacks/services they offer, and a link to their site. Users will then be able to visit said site, examine the product for themselves, and either decide to purchase said hack or take their money elsewhere. would in no way host or support said paid hacks. would be in no way responsible for the products on the site other than the removal of sites from said directory that the staff recieved a scamming report about.
Chris M, can you PLEASE read that segment, and change your tune? It is highly annoying to hear you talk like would allow the release of paid hacks in the same manner as it does now for free hacks.