Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
I own 2 VBAGallery licenses as well, and do not wish to use the software anymore now that it has changed hands, so I really appreciate this thread.
if you own it use it, boycotting software you paid for is noble and all but the fact of the matter is it's still that great script you paid for for whatever reasons, the only person you're hurting by taking this action is your own users. whether you choose to download upgrades and what not is a whole other matter but i'd personally say that if you're that against PP you hurt them by using the product as much as possible.
personally i have no problem with the people over at PP and will continue to use the software, download updates and what not as long as they continue to maintain the product i'm after which is essentially a mod for vBulletion, should the products be merged i may have a problem but for now i really don't and wonder just why theirs all this animosity towards a product that's already installed and being used? (rhetorical question).