With all due respect MPDev, you run a business with paying customers. If I went to my boss on a friday and said "oh I havent done any of my work since monday because I had all these real life issues" - I would be out the door! You've had a kid, congrats and good luck - but don't expect the whole world to sit around waiting for you. We are paying for a service and we don't want to hear excuses. The whole cloak and dagger approach of this 'deal' is making me spit blood. Someone on these forums a short while back commented on how the vB community has matured - that is very correct and you can't treat us in this way. If it wasn't bad enough not getting a decent Gallery update in over half a year I've now had my custom sold to the highest bidder. I'll give PP a chance to show me what can be done I guess, but the impression I'm getting thus far isn't a good one. This whole thing stinks of illegality, have any of you actually sought legal advice? For your sake I hope so...