In my house the thanksgiving meal consists of Roasted Turkey, Roasted Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Turkey Stuffing, Gravy, Green Bean Casserole, Cranberry Sauce, Candied Yams, Fruit Salad, Bread Rolls. We also have pies afterward. These include Apple, Pumpkin and Banana Cream. I prefer Sweet Potato and/or Pecan pie on occasion but no one else likes them.
The turkey gets prepared the night before and usually goes in the oven by 3 a.m. and is ready by 2 p.m. at the latest depending on weight. The total meal is a group effort and spread out among 3 houses. Everyone contributes to the meal in the family.
Before eating, we go around the table and each person has to say one thing they are grateful for, even if they had the worst year. Afterwards, we eat leftovers for a week.