I've been fighting with Flashchat and my windows server for a long time now - finally, I get it to work, but I have a couple of quick questions (questions that I might be able to find if I read through all 27 pages of this thread, but I'm asking for someone to throw me a bone, please?)
I've uploaded the php file to the correct CMSES folder and also imported the plugin to vBulletin through the Add/Import product.
1) What does the plugin do exactly? After I've installed it, I still have to tell flashchat to log me in (by either clicking the auto-login button or entering my login info.) I'm running the latest flashchat at v4.4.2 and v3.5.1 of vB - am I missing something?
2) Shouldn't my users be able to login automatically? So if I create a menu item at
http://forum.opiophile.org/chat - shouldn't they log in right from there, without having to enter in additional info?
Thanks for any help....