I'll keep my eye on this one.
Next on the list:
make config.inc.php:
$gameserver = array(
/* 2 */ 'et:et.bad-penguins.de:27980',
/* 1 */ 'bf:'
// server country
$country = array(
/* 2 */ 'Germany',
/* 1 */ 'Germany',
- American's Army aa
- Battlefield 1942 bf
- Battlefield Vietnam bfv
- Battlefield 2 bf2
- Call of Duty cod
- Enemy Territory et
- Half-Life / Half-Life2 hl
- Medal of Honor mohaa
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein rtcw
- Rune rune
- Unreal Tournament ut
- Unreal Torunament 2003 ut2003
- Unreal Tournament 2004 ut2004
- Quake 3 q3a
Goto database, options in AdminCP for adding/editing servers so that there is no need to edit config.inc.php to add servers.