Originally Posted by microzott
wher is it in the ACP? I don't remember and i can't' find it
changing all the if conditions in the product (false -> true in $show['whohasread'] = true  now I can see the box, but still with no data
I confirm you that the admin user group is 6
is this one?
Originally Posted by microzott
now seems that is working
but I still have two issues to fix
1) find the correct parameter for "The amount of time in days to store the thread and forum read times. All threads or forums without posts in this many days will be considered read."
2) fix the "if" condition for the user groups
I have no idea what you have done, there is nothing needs editing or fixing. Simply install and make sure you have one of the database thread marking options selected (i.e.
not the activity/cookie based option).
Originally Posted by microzott
but i think I have found a real bug:
No, you haven't read the notes properly. It is the "time of the last read post", that is the timestamp on the last post,
at the point the member read the thread,
not the time they read the thread. This means you can easily see what posts they have not yet seen/read.