Originally Posted by nievesidenshop
ok almost done zac i appreciate your help i think i have everything now when i follow to your instruction to put the info like the configurations so it can play to my web site it's not playing unless i did something wrong maybe this info photo u can point me to so i can configure to the web...
$scdef = "sky fm "; // Defau lt station name
$scip = ""; // ip or url of shoutcast server
$scport = "8000"; // port of shoutcast server
$scpass = "changeme"; // admin password to (not DJ) shoutcast server
$ircsite = "irc.server.com"; // IRC Server - EX: irc.server.com
//End configuration
all is well it looks like
is this right to the configure
know that is a local LAN IP and not something that you can access from the internet w/o "port forwarding" from your router to your local PC.
Log-in to your router -
There is an area for "port fowarding".
On some routers you can forward a range of ports or 1 at a time.
forward: 8000,8001 =>
The settings on the hack must have your WAN IP of your cable/dsl/T1 outside IP. In the router there is a "status" area that will tell you your WAN IP.
Your outside requests for port 8000,8001 will be pushed via router to your shoutcast server.
my outside cable modem WAN IP / Internet IP -
My local LAN IP that the router gives my system -
You can connect to your shoutcast server as a client and a DJ via WAN - IP:PORT