Originally Posted by slank
is true alot of people don't contribut or tell of the bugs but just wnt the code cuse they can't wait.
As a programmer myself i always try to include every possible bug and deciption of when and where it appeared and how i managed to come across it, not everyone is like that though, they want a quick fix and fast.
i don't know what else to say, but i am a programmer who is deigned to test and break programs in as many ways as possible. So i am used to constantly giving the coding errors and feedback on the problem, some people just either don't care or have no clue - and then flame the coder for the problems (this is only my opinion of course).
The problem as i see it is people do not read enough
It's even worse. It seems like you sometimes have to beg to post a link so you can see the problem for yourself.
Sometimes you only get "it doesn't work" and the link in their profile goes to somewhere exotic.
What if the beta process is more formalized:
Include a bug report if you find something in a beta
- link:
- description:
- config:
So at least you would have something to start from and it's a lot easier to add to the manual/roadmap/faq