You got the wrong idea of what I meant then .... This is no competition, and not a way of saying one coder is better than another, just a way to say exactly what I said above..
EG:- Hey I think nex has been an excellent help lately on one of his hacks and very helpfull ..
Or even another example, I`ve seen loads of threads where people have made a hack for the first/second time, and another coder has jumped in to help with a 'if you strugglin gimme a shout' over and over, or helped by saying I think you could do think with your hack, and I`m willing to help you code it.
This is not an idea for a competition, mearly a way of showing your appreciation for something other than just the hack ..... As you have just said yourself, who wants to spend all there time reading every comment??? I wouldn`t, so the ones who do should be reconised.
Also this doesn`t even necessarily need to be specifically for coders ... I could answer a lot of querys that people have on here with what little knowledge I have, as although it`s a little, it may be a little more than someone else.
On the 'newbie' comment, I agree I am a new member on here, however I am now new to forums, and the new ideas should come from newbies anyways otherwise how do you ever expect to go forward? 9 times out of 10 only a new member can tell you how to improve, as older members will stick to what they know, I`m guilty of this one myself on other forums.