I am using the 3.0.8 version of this mod on my site @
We are a group of World of Warcraft players. We'd like an attendance mod with some additional fuctionality, here's a SoW I have written up in my "Site Feedback" forum. I would be willing to talk about paying someone to program this. It would be for 3.5.1, I intend to upgrade VERY soon now.
I writing "Scope of Work" for what we would like the be able to do with the Calendar Signups here. This is what I have got so far, feedback & suggestions please, thanks!
I have added additional fields to the user profiles to indicate player race, class, tradeskills, etc.
When creating an Event with the Roll Call function enabled, I would like the Event Planner to be able to specify a couple of things:
1. Total number of players required for the event
2. Total number of each class required for the event
When a Calendar User signs up, I would like a couple things to happen:
1. Total number of players required for the event is displayed along with total number of empty spots remaining.
2. Total number of each class required is displayed along with empty spots remaining for that class.
3. "Is event full?" checking -- if a user signs up and the event is full, that user gets a "sorry, event is full" error message.
4. "Is <userclass> full?" checking -- if a user signs up and that user's class is full, that user gets a "sorry, this event has enough <userclass> already" error message.
5. If the user tries to signup but has not yet defined their <userclass> Additional Profile Field, they should get a "sorry, you have not defined your class, goto your User CP>Edit Profile to do so"
The event should also display current status: How many and who are signed up, how many total spots remaining, and break down the same numbers for each player class.
This <userclass> checking would tie into the Class Additional Profile Field that I have added to User Profiles.
Players with mutliple active characters in game that are different classes but have a single user account here on the site should change their class setting on their Profile BEFORE signing up, to properly indicate which character they are going to play. Then make a comment on the event like "Despoiler: I signed up as rogue, I will be playing Despicable on this run"
Ah, I need to add that if the event is full or it the calendar user's class is full, they should have the option of going on a standby list.
"This event is full, would you like to go on the standby list?"
"This event's requisite amount of warriors has been met, would you like to go on the standby list?"