Originally Posted by Andreas
Normally, it should not happen that users are tagged incorrectly.
What are your exact settings?
Six days ago, I had increased the inactivity amount from the default (180 days) to 365 and saved my settings. The cron processed its daily job and shortly aferwards, I noticed that that this setting had somehow been changed from 365 to 0, which resulted in users being incorrectly tagged for deletion. I have since changed it back to 180 and that value is being retained. On 11/9, I can see from the cron log that a large amount of users were tagged for deletion in 7 days, which is what that value is set at, based on the 0 value that had been in there at the time. Even though I have changed this back to 180, how do I avoid these users that were tagged for deletion when the value was 0 from being deleted after 7 days? Thank you.