Thanks. I have this set to run daily. Since google is automatically notified, is it a good idea to leave it daily, or reduce that to weekly or monthly?
In other words, is it going to hurt for google to get a daily notification?
Google does NOT apply any penalty based on how often do you submit your sitemap.
I'm having a strange problem that I don't see anybody else mentioning. I have my options set to create a yahoo style sitemap, but it is not being created that I can see. I don't see it in the data directory and if I go to I get an error: Sitemap file not found
The latest version of vBSEO Sitemap generator creates
compressed files for Yahoo sitemap.

So, you should look for (and submit to Yahoo)
Do not forget to update .htaccess according to the latest installation instructins:
RewriteRule ^(sitemap.*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1 [L]
1. An empty "vbseo_sitemap/data/" folder is included in archive. Make sure that your archiver software is configured to extract empty folders. Otherwise, just create "vbseo_sitemap/data/" folder manually and chmod 0777 it.
2. If you don't have .htaccess currently in vbroot, you can simply upload one included in archive.
So let me ask you the setting for:
Run from vB Scheduled Tasks Manager ONLY
Better left as yes or no?
"Run from vB Scheduled Tasks Manager ONLY" option is set to "Yes" by default because you have empty "Run code" initially and anyone can access your "vbseo_sitemap/" interface. After you have "Run code" set to the password of your choice, feel free to set "Run from vB Scheduled Tasks Manager ONLY" to "No" to allow you ro run generator manually when you need this.
I've a question. Is it normal, that the Download-Log shows that only the index file has been downloaded, or should all the other files also be mentioned? Do I have a problem, when google downloads only the index file? How can I solve this?
According to Google submission instructions, they will extract all your sitemap files based on the index file entries. :
Note: If you are providing a Sitemap index file, you only need to issue one HTTP request that includes the location of the Sitemap index file; you do not need to issue individual requests for each Sitemap listed in the index.
However I noticed that it takes quite some time for them to do it and this can be accomplished MUCH faster if you submit EACH sitemap file to your
google webmaster account.
From 1.1 to 1.2, do we upload the product again?
For the 1.1->1.2 upgrade it is not required to reinstall xml product file. Make sure that you have your .htaccess entry updated along with uploading of the new php files.
Make sure that you have "Minutes" to "0" in your your vB Admincp->Scheduler ("*" option means running every miunute!).