Originally Posted by micheal332001
then you can ask but adding extra things to the league will cost you a donation,
Depending on what you want added.
And what would that be? Cause it could be:
- usefull if some fixtures (manually inserted or generated) could be added per active tournement.
- The news could be comming from a specific selected forum
- Detailed result reports with eventually screenshots
- Tournemant Rules per active tournament
- Easy Customizable Main Page
And pretty other usefull stuff.
*Sigh* bloody darned thoughts keeps on comming
I think if I was you then I should maybe working on two types:
- a lite free one where not everything is avaiable but could be upgrade to Pro + your signature added
- a Pro one under a small fee where all/most or specific tournament/league features are avaiable (like Dark_Wizard of vBWar) incl. the option for w. or w-out your signature
The reason I'm telling cause I love the plug but I do find there are some things missing in it because I've got it running for some friends and they're saying the actuall same.