With all due respect to all the many great members we all have, on our various communities, there will always be 10, 15, 20 or so Jerks who make your life a living hell- at one time or another. I had an entire group of these types- they turned on me because I liked to keep things running My way (It was my website and my forum afterall) and I sold the place, they kept on and kept on- the new Management allowed it.
To be in the business of running forums, you must love and believe in what you are doing, otherwise, it just is not worth it. Those people caused me a lot of emotional stress, my fault, I allowed asses like that to bother me- but I did get death threats, my home address and phone numbers published in the open. And the best part of it all, they felt they were right to do so- and anything that happened at all, I was the blame of it...lol... Can we say raving Lunatics? Most of those are- the ones who will attack us, and in my case, I had legal means to get back at them.