As a website owner/developer who depends on vB and the hacks written for it, I can see the value in allowing commercial hacks to be displayed on this site. However, I also see the danger in allowing commercial hacks to wipe out the free ones. It's already pretty difficult to get a hack written for free around here since the "payed request" section opened. Things have already changed around here. There's no denying it. Commercial hacks are here to stay, and coders will begin devoting more time to it and less time to the free stuff.
A solution that makes everyone happy? Allow commercial hacks to be promoted here, but ONLY if there is a dumbed-down free version of the same hack available from the coder (released at the same time). This way, they are still offering a service to the users here AND are able to promote their commercial version for a chance to be payed for their time. This should ensure that the coders continue to spend time producing free hacks while they devote time to the commercial hacks too. This should at least keep them from completely dropping all work on free hacks if they want to be able to promote their commercial hacks here.