Originally Posted by loneranger
i'm not ingoring it i have tried to solve everyones questions please check the settings are correct for the folder location and that the folder has the correct premission should be 777 i am also in the process of recoding this and adding new features
Here's what's strange to me. When I'm at home, I can upload just fine. When I go to my G/F's house, and try to upload using her computer on the same account (my admin account) it doesn't work.
At home, I use Windows XP (with all updates) with IE 6 SP2
On hers, I use Windows 2000 (with all updates) with the newest IE as well.
At home, I'm stuck with dialup. She has cable (Comcast). I doubt that makes a difference, but I'm bringing it up as well.
I have disabled all popup blockers/spyware/adaware/firewall (temp) on her computer, cleared the cache, and it still doesn't work on her machine.......... Yet on my home PC/Notebook, she works like a champ (minus the minor quirks I brought up in an earlier post)