Originally Posted by Wordplay
now that danny's beta release is coming up. i guess i'd rather wait to see how that looks and works. hr i know it sounds stupid and might annoy the hell out of you if i ask, but um, why not just make it REALLY look like a myspace profile? would that be that much more difficult? and also will there every be a possibility to have users really customize their page? using java or so? the way it works on myspace with < script > tags.
of course i'm glad you're working on something. and it does look good. i just had to give my honest critique because a myspace hack id what my site requires the most at this point.
Actually it's pretty simple with CSS. I just don't want my car site looking like that. I am working on a concept site that will be just like what you want.
And it actually wouldn't be that hard to make it look just like a myspace profile.