I'm having a problem.
IE6, VB is 3.5.0, downloaded the hack today (a few hours ago) and installed, encountered no errors during install.
When I enter "http://www.jjr512.com/VBGooglemap.php" as my URL in the address bar, the page loads fine and displays the world map across the width of the screen. When I click the "Your Entry" button, it goes to "http://www.jjr512.com/VBGooglemap.php?do=yourlocation", but the map does not show up. The part to the left of the map, with "Edit your information", the latitude and longitude box, marker text, etc., that's all there, but there's no map. The red and yellow pushpin legend is also there.
There's also a little warning indicator in the IE status bar, the white page with yellow triange over it with black exclamation point, next to the word "Done". If I double-click that little icon, the error message details is:
There is also a Previous and Next button on this error message, Next is grayed out, when I click Previous the details change to this:
What am I doing wrong? After 196 posts, and nobody else having this problem, I figure it must be me, not the hack, any suggestions?