Originally Posted by Blaine0002
No other hacks need to be installed, this is standalone that allow people to post for points which they spend on little images which will eventually appear in their postbits, it gets users to post for points and get people on your site more. Sometimes you can have like on halloween you can have a little pumpkin with a stock of 10 and make it so it dosent restock, that means only 10 people get that item. then eventually people will be able to spend a mass ammount of points trading with another user for that item.
basicly its just a fun way to get people to go to your website.
Can users trade items (1 for 1) or sell items for points to each other?
Can this work with other point or money system? (eg. I have RPG Inferno installed, can it work with this money system?)
It would be kind of cool to have an Itemshop Store that sells items that other users have bought and want to sell to another user. When the purchase is made, it just deducts and adds points to the appropriate accounts. This way, somebody can sell an item that is "Limited Edition". It would be nice if users can specify how much they want for it.