Originally Posted by ggiersdorf
Ok this kinda psses me off First off I posted this as a request here
Im not saying you took someone elses work, but this hack existed prior to your post and I think others should get some credit for this, and by the way I have it running over at my site in the postbit which works MUCH better as a pop-up beacuse it will GROW larger and could mess your forum structure up.
ALSO who cares what TeamXBOX thinks they didnt invent it! M$ put the code up for everyone to use in websites..
You are right. We already had the gamertag integration for a very long time. This made the gamercard code very easy to integrate in our forum.
We released the how to very fast on xbox.com and our forum as a service. Afterwards I posted it here. I didn't want to cancel out any other threads that are in here.
Moreover just look at want an MVP has to say about the teamxbox claim
Funny stuff :smoke: