** installed **
- first installation, got the xbox urls.
- re-installed the fix, but now the links in the bubbles just go to forum root
- updated all the pyg_addNewPoint(lat,lng,title,text,type) functions to
PHP Code:
function pyg_addNewPoint(lat, lng, title, text, type) {
var point = new GPoint(lat, lng);
var icon = pyg_icon(type);
var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
if ( (type=="yellow") || (type=="red") ){
title = "<a href='/memberlist.php?do=getall&ausername="+title+"'>"+ title +"</a>";
var content = "<div align=\"center\"><strong>"+title +"</strong></div>" + "<hr width=\"100\"/><div align=\"left\" style=\"width: 20em\">" + text +"</div>";
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
Think I need to url encode the title in the above but not familiar enough with the php's way of doing it.