Originally Posted by KW802
HHmm.... I hadn't thought about different fonts before.
OK, challenge accepted!  Is there a Greek truetype font?
A lot but only some work with gd as I noticed. However all the preinstalled fonts in windows work with GD AND greek so something like comic sans ms, times, arial etc would work.
I can send you some. However the good thing of not taking the fonts from the server is that the user can change them so that he can put whatever he wants. For example in MpDev's graffiti wall it needed only an iconv() function to convert the sent values to UTF-8 and the replacement of the graffiti fonts of the package with greek ones.
So this way it would support any given language I guess

You don't need to specifically make it work with greek

However I don't know how it would be possible to make the box be resized to fit the writing if the user had changed the font... I tried to change the code of your existing hack to support greek (with the help of a friend of mine that knows php very well) and the box was messed up and he told me that it needed lots of coding to make it resize corrtectly...