First of all - great hack

- looks really nice with the images and its pretty usefull. Secondly i have a problem - the titles dont seem to update. I installed the hack over 24 hours ago so theoretically ppl with the needed activity should have been updated today and moved in the higher category.
..... everything till here seems to work fine, the visitlog table looks fine and so do the fields in the user table other than the "rank"
//memberlevel 1 to memberlevel 2
devdebug('WWU002: promoted user '.$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'].' to level 2');
$db->query_write('UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'user SET wwu002memberlevel="2",wwu002fullmemberdate="'.$WWU002startOfDay.'" WHERE userid="'.$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'].'"');
Any Ideas on the matter would be apreciated

. I could just make a cronjob and run that every hour to update them but I figure thre is something wrong if it doesnt work for me.
If i see it correctly members who once got promoted keep their rank for the rest of the time? Is it possible to make that limited so you get dropped down a level again once ur activity drops below the point of where it had to be to get promoted?-again - I could do that with a cronjob but I'm just wondering if it's something other people would like to see.)
Thanks again,