seems to work fine. He doesn't seem to be able to number of posts or you have a top poster that has still 0 posts.
To correct the issue:
You can change the line 498 and replace it with
if ($gettopgroupstat[posts] == 0){
$gettopgroupstat[posts] = "1"; // PHP DOESN'T LIKE DIVISION BY 0
$gettopgroupstat[threadpostratio] = vb_number_format(($gettopgroupstat[threadcount]/$gettopgroupstat[posts]),3);
or download the changed version.
The VBStatExtended.php is updated to correct this issue.
The / indicate non relevant information. For new users this is non relevant to know their total post. I did this to be able to reuse the top header template.
Next release will correct this.
PS If you are an Xbox fan you should check on how to integrate the Gamercard in your forum !!!!!!!!!!!