Originally Posted by ombossman
thanks for interesed today imported whodownloaded_ip-v110[vb350] working well but another question style_blunts_whodl_ip.xml howto uplaod or where upload i dont know
Open AdminCP
Click Styles & Templates
Click Download / Upload Styles
- Now the important part -
Scroll down to the "Browse" button and find Style File.
Pick the Parent Style in the "Merge Into Style" dropdown box!!
Scroll to bottom and Click Import.
If you have multiple parent styles, you have to do this for each parent.
You do NOT have to merge this into any "CHILD" styles of those parent styles.
(That's the point having a parent style).
BUT ... Most of you should manually edit templates instead of the above since I'm sure most of you run a bunch of other products which might also edit these same templates!!
If you want to do that ...
Open AdminCP
Click Styles & Templates
Click Style Manager
Click the EXPAND (<< >>) arrow next to parent style
Click the EXPAND (<< >>) arrow inside the subwindow
Find appropriate template and Double Click it.
Find & add the code for the button to each of those 4 templates as listed in first post.
Don't forget to click save after editing each template.
Let me know how it goes!!