It's inexcusable to break promises, but that's the way it went.
It was a choice between THAT.
... or fix all my serious bugs (which should all be dead now).
... or release bad software (which I HATE to do).
... for something which I haven't made a dime off of as of yet (would be nice but I know how it goes).
It's not often I get to spend October celebrating my White Sox and their awesome season MUCH LESS do I get to enjoy a week of celebrations after they win it all. I was even one of those 1.7 million people who attended that tickertape parade through downtown Chicago!! Somehow I magically landed 100 foot from the stage at Wacker & LaSalle.
... Something I'll never forget for the rest of my life!!
... What would you have done, LOL!!
Oh well ... This product is pretty much done.
Might need a couple small tweaks, but nothing major.
Sorry it took so long, but hopefully it's worth it.
!!!!! Please post results !!!!!!!!