Originally Posted by COBRAws
the JACKPOT hack will be when someone makes a "resize if >500px hack" or something
good try tho.
From your perspective maybe. But from mine the jackpot hack stops the vast majority of users from downloading a 1.7mb 2000px wide image that some doofus put in a post.
Yes CSS and HTML can be written to re-format the size, create scroll bars on it or resize the image dimensions in JavaScript. However every user still ends up having to download that 1.7mb image for the CSS and/JavaScript to resize it.
My idea of a jackpot hack for oversized images is to not have those users download the images in the first place. Of giving them the choice to download it. And as a result retain the perception that my forum is fast.
This means converting inline images to links, which my hack does.
So I guess whether you like this hack or not depends on point of view, whether you agree with my design decision that not having users download large images unawares is important, or whether you feel that the layout of the page is more important than the download experience for users.