Originally Posted by westpointer
Can you post what you have in includes/functions_databuild.php from line 840 to 846? It should look like this (assuming you've replaced " . TABLE_PREFIX . " with "."
PHP Code:
$bdays = $DB_site->query("
SELECT username, userid, birthday
FROM "."user
WHERE (birthday LIKE '$todayneggmt-%' OR birthday LIKE '$todayposgmt-%')
AND usergroupid IN ($usergroupids)
What do you have there?
this is what I have from line 840 to 846
PHP Code:
$bdays = $DB_site->query("
SELECT username, userid, birthday
FROM ?.?user
WHERE (birthday LIKE '$todayneggmt-%' OR birthday LIKE '$todayposgmt-%')
AND usergroupid IN ($usergroupids)