Originally Posted by 3dsoft
I get this Error Message when
choosing per page above 64 and then clicking on
"Top posters on the bulletin board including thread and post %"
1) How can I get rid of this error message?
2) How do I get rid of UP?
I'll ask stonyarc to make a version without the userpages included
http://www.xboxusersgroup.com/forums...layrecords=200 seems to work fine. He doesn't seem to be able to number of posts or you have a top poster that has still 0 posts.
To correct the issue:
You can change the line 498 and replace it with
if ($gettopgroupstat[posts] == 0){
$gettopgroupstat[posts] = "1"; // PHP DOESN'T LIKE DIVISION BY 0
$gettopgroupstat[threadpostratio] = vb_number_format(($gettopgroupstat[threadcount]/$gettopgroupstat[posts]),3);
or download the changed version
Apparently StonyArc already prepped one
you can get the version with userpage integration on
you can get the version without userpage integration on
If you all feel like this is ready for release just let me know. We'll make an entry than so we can release the beta for googlemap too.