Originally Posted by apshanon
I have installed articlebot hack in my 3.0.8 version. But I have upgaded vbulletin to 3.5.0. Please help me how I can setup articlebot again now
You can get articlebot working with vb 3.50 easily.
Make sure you still have the template. "articlebot_post" If not then create it.
PHP Code:
Next open articlebot.php with your favorite editor. Change every instance of:
- $DB_site-> with $db->
- $vboptions[ with $vbulletin->options[
Do the same in admincp/articlebot_admin.php but also replace globalize( with $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc(
At this point, your article bot should function again.
Now just copy this and save it as cpnav_articlebot.xml and upload it into includes/xml directory. Then you will have your admin options again.
PHP Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<navgroups product="vbulletin">
<navgroup text="Article Bots" hr="true">
<text>Manage Article Bots</text>
<text>Add Article Bot</text>
<text>Add RSS to Article Bot</text>
My articles are being written correctly and the admin seems to function. Milage may vary. Enjoy