hold on a second! i have EXACTLY what you are looking for with this

im coding it up so it might take a second~
i might even release it as a minor hack if you think its that good
*edit* okay, try this one on for size! Clicking the image should take you to copyscape with the results of your search

Unless I got the $url variable wrong, I wrote this in 5 minutes without access to the 3.5 files to check >.<
First again, add that banner as specified in the first post, then edit the footer template and place this:
HTML Code:
<div class="smallfont" align="center">
<form name="query" method="post" action="http://www.copyscape.com/" target="_blank">
<input name="q" type="hidden" value="$vboptions[bburl]/" />
<input type="image" class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/copyscape.gif" border="0" alt="Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape" title="Do not copy content from this page. Plagiarism will be detected by Copyscape." />
enjoy! works extremely well :-p REQUIRING POST VARIABLES WILL NEVER STOP ME! MUAHAHAHA! also, did you know its easy to break the common hack by writing your own forms and submitting information that the system cleaned before spitting into hidden vars, and stupidly doesnt clean it AFTERWARDS? :-p always make sure your safe from stuff like this!
Edit, the variable has been fixed :-p i applied this to my own forum and it worked exactly as expected :-p if you wanna see it, look in my profile for my forum link (please dont try to join my forums yet though). and yes, it uses the variable, not hardcoded :-p