Originally Posted by eoc_Jason
Tomek, ManagerJosh, Aftermath - adding in templates, debug, and gzip is extremely simple. However, adding in the percentages of PHP/MySQL usage will require file hacking I believe, I do not think it could be done using hooks. Just FYI.
Yeah, the percentages would require file hacking as the plugins are in the database, and there is no way that data in the database (e.g. a hook) could execute before a query has been done.
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
mine is appearing below the HEADER!!! (and at the way bottom footer which is fine).
but yikes!!
how do I get NOT to appear below the header (insignia skin is one that it appears below the header in). :/
I didn't change and of the configurations cause...I'm a n00b and didn't understand how/where I was supposed to do so (from the instructions).  doh!
Do you still need help?