Originally Posted by peterska2
YES PLEASE!! I made my own thread about this, then found out this one existed lol

Anyway though, really in most of my carer I have not seen more misplaced, misunderstood information until now. The sad part is the people that are doing it are all license owners, or at least the one the license holder sees as a trustworthy enough person to add to the OK list. This is in a way really good, this means that 3.5 has really started a storm of new customers for vb and more people to use our hard work.
However, some of the most simple things like navigation here at vborg have been thrown off. Every day there are about 3 four or even five threads in the latest hacks column that are not actually products, styles, etc. I know that there are many people like me that check there every day to see if there is something interesting, people posting help me, suggestion, etc threads in those areas are nothing but a nuisance not only to members but the coding community. Anyone here that has released something whether it be simple or complex worked and gave time to make it to help others. When these misplaced threads appear everywhere they bump down the good, the actual products, that the author worked hard on. I know there is no way to completely stop this, there will never be, we are all administrators here (as far as I know) people will always come once in a while and misplace something and it is completely understandable. However, here it has become an epidemic and must be handled.....for the sake of the children
There, my speech is done *claps*