I hope this hasn't been asked before...[I used the search function, but couldn't find anything] And I hope this is the right forum.
The board I mod at uses vBulletin Version 2.3.0. So we have a problem with some members who just register double accounts to get more referral points...
I was wondering if there's any chance to search by using an IP address?
Like if you take my IP and get 5 users who have the same? I don't know if that's a hack or even possible without a hack, but our admin says she doesn't know how to do it. And I don't think it's possible as mod/supermod.
I know it's possible for higher vBulletin versions, at least I could do it on some other board.
I guess what I mean is something similar to
this just for vB 2.
It would be great if anyone could help me out. Thanks.