Originally Posted by ReadOrDie
I agree, I could REALLY REALLY use a hack like this but installing it was a huge hassle. And now it's installed but my affiliates aren't appearing. It's a shame because I was gaining alot of members with the affiliates hack. Now I'm going to have to cancel all my affiliates. Please kirbyde do something. 
I don't get why people don't understand about this hack being a
BETA. Beta are to be installed for debugging purposes only, not live productions sites. Anyone who installs this hack on a live board without knowledge of php should not being posting how this hack is "not reccomended."
ReadOrDie, I've held my patience with you for a long time. And I'm at the breaking point. You've done nothing here but whine and moan about this hack. If your so dissapointed at the bugs of the hack, you can go and learn PHP and fix them.
I have other more important things to do then work on this hack. And going to this thread and seeing ungrateful and disrespectful posts doesn't give me the enthusiam to work on this, and maybe some of the other hacks I plan to release here for free.
For those who still can not grasp the termonogly of releases here you go:
Originally Posted by Google.Com
In software engineering, development stage terminology expresses how the development of a piece of software has progressed and how much further development it may require. Each major version of a product usually goes through a stage when new features are added (alpha stage), then a stage when it is actively debugged (beta stage), and finally a stage when all important bugs have been removed (stable stage). Intermediate stages may also be recognized. ...
Right now this hack is in BETA, also known as the "stage when it is actively debugged."