Originally Posted by Andreas
Doesn't make much sense - moderated/unactivated members can't use PM 
shouldnt they still be able to read, should they?
my point is,
- sometime when they register, even with a notice that they need to check their email, they may still not be aware of that
- many time, activation email went to BULK MAIL, esp. with yahoo email, so that a PM remind them that they should also check the bulk mail could help.
- Despire that we have TnC before registration, and instruction on how the account activation and process go, people still ignore it, and ask why their account is not activated. A general FAQ doesnt really help much, so a PM to them specifically, would work better. In the PM, I would include what they need to know, or where to look for, if they have questions, trouble activating account ....
so, it's not really an welcome PM, it's some kind of instruction PM :P