I just have Add Usergroup as Moderator and Automatic Welcome PM there. Turning Add Usergroup as Moderator off (Automatic WelcomePM) on, it still give me same error.
Turn Automatic Welcome PM plugin at that location off, the error is gone ...
well, it might be conflict with one of my hack, when activating a user, I insert some data into userfield table for the user ... using
$userfieldextradata = array(
'field8' => "$ActivateionNote\n $user[field8]",
'field34' => 2,
'field39' => 2
$userdata->set_userfields($userfieldextradata,false,'admin') ;
BTW. By looking at your 3 plugins, is that true that the Welcome PM will be sent 3 times?
- After Registration
- After Email activation
- After Moderated in AdminCP
If so, and If I just want the PM to send once, can I disable two other plugins?