Originally Posted by nexialys
the template alteration you suggest will deactivate the choice from the settings to display or not the subscription feature... so everybody will always have the right to subscribe, even if the admin set this to NO... not a good thing...
I don't think so... ? The template by default will only show the "Instant" option if the users clicked to subscribe to a thread. The alteration simply removes that check, and shows the "Instant" option on all subscribe options pages. If subscriptions are disabled, then that page shouldn't even be accessible (which would be detirmined by a higher "if" then the one I removed).
Originally Posted by nexialys
this is a good idea for small sites... but would have a heavy serverloads on websites that bring hundreds of posters each days...
Again, I don't think this would be a big problem. My hack uses the mail queuing system, so if you've got a lot of topics being created (and a lot users subscribed to forums) simply activate the queue system and that should help with the load. Also, this plugin will only send an email when a new trhead is created, not when new posts are made.